Finding The Right Agent For You

Once you have decided to sell your property, the next important decision you will need to make is employing the right agent to do the job.

It's important to me that you feel comfortable with your decision to employ me. Should you wish to interview other agents, may I suggest some of the following questions:

1. Are you dealing with a Licensed Real Estate Agent? Someone who has completed all the licensing requirements and are able to run their own real estate practice, or are you dealing with a salesperson – who completed a basic course?

I am a Licensed Real Estate Agent, skilled in all aspects of real estate. The bonus for you is that as a Licensed Real Estate Agent, I get paid the same rate of commission as a salesperson; this means you will benefit from all my extra knowledge and experience for FREE. 

2. Can the agent advertise in any position, in any paper or medium he or she thinks will best reach the target audience?

With me… absolutely! In many traditional offices the sales people can only promote the property where and when the "boss" says so.

3. When a prospective buyer phones about your property, who is the most likely person to take the call – the 'roster person', another salesperson (who often doesn't know much about the property) or your listing agent?

Have you ever called a real estate office and been given the 'run around'. My personal contact numbers are advertised on the 'For Sale' sign and in the media, rather than the office number. I will personally handle all enquires on your property.

4. Is the agent paid the same share of commission regardless of the type of listing, (i.e. Open Listing, Sole Agency or Auction), or is the agent paid a greater share for the type of listing? Are they recommending an option because their boss will pay them a higher percentage of the commission to do it that way?

As a Sales Associate with AtRealty I receive the same share of commission regardless of the type of listing.

5. Will the agent allow you to terminate the Appointment of Real Estate Agent at any time should you so desire?

I know I will deliver results for you; however should you wish to terminate our agreement at any stage prior to sale, for whatever reason, all that's required is 48 hours written notice.